Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Reality of dreams.

Hey kids!
How are you? Good? Good!

I had a very disturbing dream last night. It's like one of those dreams where you're in a familiar place and you're given a choice of two doors to pick. You pick the right one, it's all rainbows, bunnies and cupcakes. But have you ever wondered what's behind the other door? What if you thought you picked the right door, only to find out it was never the right door. (Okaayy, i dunno if i'm making any sense to you right now.)

The difference is, in my dream i knew exactly what were behind those two doors. It felt so surreal. And truly being the indecisive human being i've always been since i was a little girl, i didn't know which door to pick, although i knew what was waiting for me behind each door.

An extremely negative trait that i possess is running or hiding away from conflicts of any kind. Instead of facing the cold, harsh reality and move on, i run away from it. I always play safe. ALWAYS. But how long can i stay safe if i keep running away? How long can i run as fast i do now? Sooner or later (I prefer later!), i don't think i'll be able to run as fast as i'm running now and every single thing i ran or hid away from is going to come crawling up to my skin.

That was exactly what i did in the dream too. I ran away. As fast as i could. I woke up to my BB showing me 4.47am and wondering "Where the fuck did that come from?!"

And yes, i was late to work.

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